First Church Family,
It’s good to have settled back in after some days away. I’m using this brief message to share several important updates with you: Ivey is away with family this week, so many phone calls will be going to our staff voicemails. We will respond to your messages while she is away. The office will be back up and running this coming Monday.
The wave of the Delta variant of COVID has forced us to slow down returning to our usual busy church schedule. This coming Sunday (September 19) is National Back-to-Church Sunday. While we continue to take necessary precautions, we understand that a number of people are antsy about being in crowds. Hopefully, there will be significant declines in infection rates soon. We will continue to monitor the situation.
Our Robbins Preschool has gotten off to a strong start this month. Presently 15 preschool students are registered, with a several children on a waiting list. Kendra Stuebe and Erika Murphy are providing great direction of our program. Please continue to pray for our teachers and students.
Our food ministries continue to flourish. We delivered several hundred pounds of your donated items to our mission partner, Yokefellow, last week; and the hall coming into the reception area of the church is already filling up again. Thank you for your faithfulness. God is good, all the time!
Donations of Nutri-Grain type snacks are needed to support our Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute food ministry. The student services area continues to have enough “heat and eat” meals that can be prepared using the two microwaves we at FUMC donated to the college, but student services is running low on healthy, pick-up type snacks.
This Sunday in worship, we will continue to explore what the Bible says about God’s promise of heaven. Invite someone to come with you to worship, or join us online on Sunday.
I am humbled by the continued strength of our ministries in what continues to be a difficult time.

Pastor Dave