First Church Family,
Blessings to you on this first day of Autumn! The temperature is supposed to dip into the 40s tomorrow night. I can’t wait for that! I pray that you are living life to its fullest as we move into the final quarter of 2021.
We are healthy as a congregation overall, and are striving to not let fear paralyze us over virus concerns. We continue to invite persons to join us for in-person worship. The vast majority of attenders are fully vaccinated; and a significant number of our worshippers have also had the virus over the past year and are strong (and hopefully protected by antibodies.)
Having faith in God’s presence and following guidelines as we have – tells us that we are about as safe a location as there is; but of course we will continue to take precautions. We are roping off rows in the Sanctuary to prevent close contact and are encouraging most close visiting to be done outside.
Too, we are requesting (but not requiring) masks to be worn as we gather. Those are the updated facts, meaning that, though there’s nothing that can be done to completely prevent persons from contracting any disease, we are responding with caution and intellect to the present challenges.
All that being said, we need you to be a part of our ongoing ministry. I/we miss your in-person presence. I preach, and Tara and our praise band and choirs lead worship better when you are in-person with us. Please consider being back with us, if you haven’t been; and if you have, please consider committing to even more regular participation.
We are all exhausted by ongoing COVID concerns, but I will not be paralyzed by fear because of them.
I love our church and community and feel privileged to be with you at this place and time. Let’s make the fall quarter of ’21 a godly one.
Blessings and love,

Pastor Dave