April Message

April Message

First Church Family,

I continue to pray for you as we begin to move through spring. I pray that your life is being renewed just as our surroundings are.

Something we don’t often talk about is the many miles Jesus walked during his ministry. There were no trains, planes, or automobiles to help in His transportation. And walking was a slow process.

Interestingly, though, He came into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday on a donkey. He only rode it a couple of miles, from Bethany to Jerusalem. He had walked all the way from Galilee on foot.

We have participated together in a slow walk over the past thirteen months as our way of life has been

completely altered by the COVID pandemic. But walking together has allowed us the opportunity to take

internal, spiritual inventory of our lives and souls. Too, it has allowed us the chance to develop new ways of carrying out our ministry in our community and world, ways that will help us deal with and minister to our fast changing world in the future.

We have learned a lot on the journey, and we will continue to do so as we move through Easter and April. Shortly, we will announce specific plans to continue in person worship. Please continue to lift up our church and its leadership in your prayers.

We are on the verge of celebrating the most important event in human history: the moment God reached down and brought back to life His Only Son, who was sacrificed for our sins through His death on the Cross. We will celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection with our service(s) on Easter Sunday, April 4.

I’ve always thought we move through that celebration too fast and resume our business as usual existences prematurely. This April, we will follow Easter with a brief series entitled: “What Jesus Came to Do.” It will

focus on the reason for Jesus’ life, His death, and His Resurrection.

I’m looking forward to sharing that with you, both in-person and via livestream.

Blessings to you during this most meaningful time.

Pastor Dave

Passion Sunday