Easter Week

Easter Week

Dear First Church Family,

Holy Week blessings to you! What a difference in mood we experience during this sacred time of year. Last Sunday, we began worship with Jesus’ triumphal entry to Jerusalem, amid shouts of “Hosanna.”

In fact, things were going so well that John says the Pharisees murmured: 
“Look! The whole world has gone after Him!” (John 12:19)

Everything seemed wonderful! But Jesus knew it wouldn’t last. He knew how fickle crowds could be. He knew that the faces of people inside the city who
“were somebody” would not be the same as those who cheered Him on, those who slept out in the country outside the city gates.

They were referred to as the “daughters of Jerusalem.” They were the poverty-stricken who had traveled to Jerusalem for Passover and were too poor to get a room for the night inside the city.

Jesus wept over them, knowing that a few days after He rode in triumphantly, He would walk out carrying a cross.

Before this week is out, Jesus will be plotted against, arrested, tried, whipped, humiliated, spat upon, cursed at, crucified, and left for dead.

That is where we are now, watching and waiting. But Easter is coming!

Join us for worship this Sunday at 10:00AM in the Sanctuary. Though a 
number of people have registered for the service, we will have plenty of room in the Sanctuary, in the Gathering Space (with closed circuit TV), and in the CLC (with a full screen broadcast.)

So plan to be with us, as we celebrate the Resurrection!

Pastor Dave