Holy Week

Holy Week

First Church Family:

     After church on Palm Sunday, I sat in my office after experiencing our Last Supper Tableau program. I was exhausted but fulfilled, having had the privilege of serving with fellow followers of Christ during the program.

     At the close of the service, each one of Jesus’ disciples abandoned Him, leaving Him with the weight of the world on His shoulders. Can you imagine the darkness, pain, and discouragement He experienced, having everyone betray, deny, and leave Him alone?

     This coming week, we will recall the Last Supper, and share Holy Communion on Maundy Thursday.

     Next, we will remember Jesus’ arrest, the beatings He received, the crown of thorns He had mashed down on His head, and the taunts and curses people launched at Him.

     Then, on Good Friday, we will recall the Procession of the Cross to the crucifixion site (and have the opportunity to walk with and even carry it for a moment.) At the end of the Procession, we will remember His death!

     Three days later, on Easter morning, we will gather to celebrate the Resurrection!

     Our broken world needs Easter more than ever. War in Ukraine drags on, with millions displaced and many thousands killed. Homelessness and poverty are rampant, even in our community. Crime is at its highest level in years. And COVID 19 is still hanging on.

     Paul tells us how important Easter is to a world without hope. “If Christ be not raised from the dead,” he wrote, “then our faith is in vain.” (1 Corinthians 1:14)

     Our observance of Easter is not just a mere recollection of the central events of Christianity—it is a life-giving sacrament and a sign of hope, realized in our lives.

     On Easter, I make extra offerings to God in response to His gift of eternal life to me and you. And I always encourage you to do the same.

     This year there are two themes I suggest: response to the War in Ukraine through UMCOR; and Habitat for Humanity (for the house we will build in 2022).

     Please prayerfully consider support of those important missions as we thank God for the gift of eternal life available to us through the Resurrection.

In love of Almighty God,

Rev. Dave Melton