First Church Family,
I’m sitting in a coffee shop in Green Bay, Wisconsin… and it’s snowing outside! I’ve been with my son, Christopher, for a long weekend; and we’ve had a wonderful time together!
Like many of you, I’m a huge sports fan. This coming Sunday, we will begin exploring that and about how it translates into thinking about our faith.
Very few people in the entire world are not fans of Jesus. How could you not be a fan? He did nothing but love people and try to teach them how experience abundant life and be drawn closer to God.
Why wouldn’t you be a fan of Jesus? Being a fan doesn’t take much.
Our Packers lost on Sunday, and while that disappointed us, we don’t have that much invested, because we are just fans. Our lives will continue. The disappointment of Sunday’s loss has already greatly dissipated (and the beautiful snow in Green Bay this morning is helping… Ha!)
Jesus makes no bones about calling His followers to be more than fans. When Jesus called His disciples, He was asking them to give up everything they had ever known to follow Him.
Actually, Jesus makes it clear that that is His challenge for those who live in our world today, as well. But, it requires sacrifice and commitment. Being just a fan doesn’t require very much and is so much easier.
What kind of follower of Jesus are you? Just a fan? Or is there more to your relationship with Him?
Kyle Idleman wrote a book entitled: “Not a Fan.” In it, he explored what it takes to be more than a casual observer of Jesus.
We will be talking about that in worship over the next several weeks. Please don’t miss it. I truly believe it could transform your life…
Blessings on you,
Pastor Dave