'Youth Minister' Tagged Posts

'Youth Minister' Tagged Posts

Moving Forward

Dear First Church Family,      After a couple of icy mornings, we’re beginning to see the sun. And what a pleasant surprise that has been!     About twenty-five students, parents, and grandparents stayed after church Sunday to begin the conversation of moving forward with our youth program. It was a good meeting. We all want the program to move forward productively; and we will see to it that will happen. I have already had preliminary interviews with two youth leader candidates who could…

We’ll Miss You

Dear First Church Family, I pray you have enjoyed moving over into 2022. Our Youth and Family Ministries Director, Tara Hatton, writes the following note to us: The past two years have brought challenges and hardships to each of us. In my own personal life, 2021 was the most difficult year I’ve yet to experience. In January, issues in my marriage came to light which led to many months of stress and turmoil culminating in separation in August. My husband,…